“Journal of Microelectronic Manufacturing”Volume 2, Issue1 is Published & Call for 2019 Papers

  • 日期:2019-04-18
  • 4383

Jouranl of Microelectronic Manufacturing (JoMM) is an international peer-reviewed journal (ISSN: 2578-3769) co-founded by the Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMECAS) and School of Microelectronics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. JoMM Volume 2, Issue 1 (2019) is published recently.

Feature articles are:

Nitridation-Etch of Silicon Oxide in Fluorocarbon/Nitrogen Plasma: A Computational Study

Du Zhang, Yu-Hao Tsai, Hojin Kim et al. 2019 JoMM Volume 2, Issue 1: 19020103

The Variables and Invariants in the Evolution of Logic Optical Lithography Process

Qiang Wu. 2019 JoMM Volume 2, Issue 1: 19020101

JoMM aims at reporting the progress on the cutting-edge advanced semiconductor manufacturing sciences and technologies from early stage theories and experiments to industrial high volume manufacturing applications. Topic includes, but is not limited to Design, Process, Metrology & Yield Control, Packaging, Materials, Equipment. JoMM strives for shortened publication cycle, articles are published online for reading, downloading and citing as soon as accepted. Now JoMM is inviting papers for 2019 issues, and the publication charge is free. For more details, please visit www.lithotechsolutions.org.

Looking forward to your submissions!